1. NELA LAW FIRM, within the civil assistance has assisted cases with the object of compensation for pecuniary and non-pecuniary damage caused by a car accident, where the citizen O.P remained injured as a result of being hit by the vehicle.

Thanks to the professional assistance provided by our office, a special agreement was siged with the insurance company, from where the injured party O.P received compensation for pecuniary and non-pecuniary damage.

2. NELA LAW FIRM, has represented A.A citizen before the Court of First Instance in Tirana in the framework of a judicial conflict caused by a loan contract where Hua-receiver does not accept the return of the amount obtained by Hua-giver.

In these conditions our office representing LENDERS, we addressed the Court with the petition to return the object more and dagger-payment of legal delays.

The court in its representation of success-cess of staff of the Office of the facts and evidence and evidence, decided in favor LENDERS