Legal assistance and drafting of Claims-lawsuits and court acts, judicial representation for cases with the object of gaining and protecting the right of ownership and co-ownership as well as any real right (usufruct, servitude, possession of property).
Legal assistance and representation, regarding the legal form of creation, change, termination of contractual legal relations.
Assistance in drafting legal contracts as well as handling contractual disputes in court.
Legal assistance, judicial protection, drafting of acts for cases with the object of property registration at the Albanian Cadastre.
Legal assistance and drafting of court acts on legal and testamentary inheritance issues.
Legal assistance and drafting of court acts for cases with object of contractual / no-contract damages.
- Assistance and drafting Lawsuit and court representation for damages cases as well as legal representation against Insurance Companies.
- Assistance and drafting of court acts objecting to enforcement actions, declaring the absolute invalidity of the executive title as well as supervising any legal action for the execution of court decisions.
Legal representation at the Court of First Degree, the Court of Appeals, throughout the territory of the Republic of Albania, the Supreme Court, the Constitutional Court and the European Court of Human Rights.
+355 69 66 35 636Address
“Gjergj Fishta” Boulevard“Gora” Palace, Tower I, Floor II,
Tirana, Albania